Monday 6 July 2015

Bona for Moz

See what I did there? Anyway; a couple of posts ago, I was mentioning that the amount of Morrissey records I own is pretty appalling and that I was doing my best to do something about that. I guess most stuff is pretty easy to come by, and even the rarer stuff isn't a huge deal as long as you don't mind throwing some decent cash about for them. Today, I'm settling on an intermediate effort; not the easiest record to find for under a tenner, but certainly not Maladjusted or Southpaw... 

Morrissey - Bona Drag - 1st Press - His Master's Voice - Black /? 

I'm under good authority from the seller that this is an original UK press, and although there is nothing blatant to indicate otherwise I really wouldn't have a clue. Variants/ record releases/ test presses/ alternate sleeves are my game. The old nerd way of tracking matrix numbers, hunting down the sleeve manufacturers and stuff like that is another world away and as I am only really bothered with grabbing one copy of each record; I'll be happy in my ignorance this time around and just assume that the seller was a good dude. It's not like it makes it a collector's item as such, there must have been thousands upon thousands of these records pressed. 

Back Cover // B-Side 

When I first heard this record, I had no clue that it was more of a compilation. The tracks flowed together so well, and the artwork seemed so purpose built that I had no idea until a few years back. Some of my favourite Morrissey songs are on this LP and it's great to hear them all together on vinyl for the first time. Also, who doesn't love the look of an old HMV label? 


This looks pretty identical save for the lyrics on both sides, so I only photographed it once as I'm sure you'll get the idea. 

Nothing too fancy here, just a record from another time compared to the normal posts you see here. And for the thousandth time - because Moz right?

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