Wednesday 10 December 2014

Rot in Hell and friends.

Rot in Hell are one of those few bands that continue to fascinate me. From the art to the music to the production and everything in between. I was recently offered a few of their 7''s together at a decent price, so I grabbed in. As there's a fair bit of stuff to get through I'll waste little time rambling. 

Brain Dead // Rot in Hell - Millennial Psychosis - Feast of Tentacles - 1st Press - Black /500 

This is the 7'' I was least familiar with out of the bunch that I bought. This is most likely down to the fact that it's one of the easier Rot in Hell records to find, so no one really talks about it. 

Back Cover // B-Side. 

Track-listing and pictures of Hitler. I'm pretty sure he's lurking on the front cover too. With sharp eyes you'll notice that Ian Brown is on the B-Side centre label. Lyrics to 'I Wanna Be Adored' by The Stone Roses are etched into the run off grooves of this 7''. I wouldn't take either bands to be Stone Roses fans, so that was pretty cool I guess? 


Brain Dead side. 


Rot in Hell side. 
I like the stark black and white imagery on this 7''. Though I'm not a huge fan of the sleeve art, I'm quite into what's going on with this insert. 

Wasting no time here. On to the next. 

Rot in Hell // Hordes - Split - Rat Patrol Records - 1st Press - Black // Red Split /100 

Rat Patrol Records are a label I know relatively little about. This record was released a good few years ago now, and was a single pressing /300. The other variant was black /200, and this one seems to pop up for sale more often. Colour scheme wise this record is a little out of sorts with the package I received, but I dig the art either way. 

B-Side // Back Cover. 

Semi-matching centre labels are always cool; especially when the cover art is almost a mirror of itself on both sides. I'm assuming this is Baphomet, I could be wrong. Rat Patrol logo in the bottom left corner. Funny side note; the guy selling this posted this up as the 'Rot in Hell // Bordes' split. I kind of get where the mistake was made. 


Rot in Hell side. 
Buy a fucking Integrity record. 


Hordes//Bordes side. 
Listen to Entombed. 

Whilst I'm liking the sleeve art here, the insert is the heavy hitter once again. Art was apparently handled by Reign Green (I can't find any trace of it on the internet), but the Evil Dead homage on the Hordes side of the insert makes it all worthwhile. 

On to the last of this lot, and in my eyes definitely the coolest of the bunch. 

Rot in Hell - Sins of Malice - Self-Released - Black - 1st Press - /219

All of these copies come hand numbered. There are two cover variations: one is an Integrity rip (which is rare, maybe 35 exist?), and the other is this. Francis Bacon half-naked holding two slabs of meat. I'm sure when I did art at school there was a photo of this in our block, along with a similar painting that Bacon did. I assume that all of these covers were hand-screened but I'm not certain on that. 

Back Cover. 

This was a bloody barrel of laughs to get in to, and the packaging on this all round is absolutely top notch. With the sleeve folded together, this back cover forms The Process logo. If you have a pretty empty night with not much to do (why else would you be reading this blog right?) then have a gander at The Process on Wikipedia or something. 

This is the back cover opened up. As you can see, the four panels are of equal length and fold into one another. It's pretty tricky, and you feel like you're going to completely ruin the sleeve every time you open it. 
The dust sleeve is sprayed with The Process logo again. I think the whole deal is to have 4 overlapping P's. Centre label of this side is a rip of the 'Vertigo Swirl'. This record is probably cooler than your record. 

Although the other side of the dust sleeve isn't much to look at, it has the stamping and numbering for the record. I ended up with 036/219. All of the dust sleeves are stamped and numbered. 

This is essentially a vinyl re-issue of the Rot in Hell demo tape, which I also really want by the way. If anyone is selling please give me a shout; the design that went into that one is super neat. 


Obviously this side has no music. Instead there is a sprayed/screened image of Robert DeGrimston. Founder of The Process Church of the Final Judgement. Honestly, he looks creepier now than he did back then. 


More Grimston, more Process logos. As this is slightly off dimensions for a 7'' insert, the top 1.5 inches or so is folded to fit inside the sleeve. It's cool though. 

Other side of the insert. 

Lyrics to the first 2 songs. The 3rd song on this 7'' is a cover; so I get the lyrics not being there. Why it's not credited is beyond me though? 

Again, all Black and White art. With this being self-released too, there must have been some mad effort going on. I imagine most of the sleeve design/screening/cutting was done by hand, along with everything else. This is why this band fascinate me. Who does weird stuff like this, for a 7'' that's already seen a cassette and CDr release? I'll definitely keep snatching up what I can. 

All of that for £10 posted. You can't say no right? I can never say no. 

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