Tuesday 19 August 2014

Notes from a Smooth Talker

I mentioned in a recent-ish post that I could do with grabbing more Orchid records, and that I was into what Witching Hour were all about. So I killed two birds (well, three as I got another, completely non-related item from the same seller) with one stone and bought an Orchid release from Witching Hour records. And I'm glad I did, as it counts towards slowly making my way through one of each Orchid release. 

Orchid/ Encyclopedia of American Traitors split, put out in either '98 or '99 through Witching Hour. The packaging here is pretty on point, and feels like you're getting a bit more than just a record. This is the Encyclopedia of American Traitors side of the record, identified by the lower case 'e' on the centre label. 

The Orchid side. This shows how the record comes together through its separate elements. There is a dust cover for the 7'', but showing it seemed kind of pointless. The back insert with the anatomical heart is the Orchid side of the insert, and above that is a plastic sheet with the Orchid lyrics printed in a spiral. Following the lyrics on that sucker is really fun too. On another note, some of my favourite Orchid tracks reside on this split. 

This is the EOAT side of the insert. This is the first I've really heard from this band, but from what I gather they broke up not long after this split. The information on the side of this split is highly emotive and extremely political. The bulk of the content addresses the American injustices with regards to Cuba throughout the duration of time in which Fidel Castro was President. This sheds some light on a topic (or at least a political tactic) that is still relevant today, as it targets the idea that racial and political agenda aside, the innocent of Cuba were being treated in a disgusting manner by the US. It describes a complete lack of human concern, through denial of food and medical supplies; and i'm really just scratching the surface here. With this release, you're definitely getting more than just music. Also, the vocalist has the most visceral scream here, it's mental.

Witching Hour logo; and just out of shot a small thank you to both bands for participating in the split. Clear vinyl/1100. No other colours were pressed to my knowledge. 

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